Yuvenalii Zaitsev

At the age of 37, hydrobiologist Yuvenalii Zaitsev made a discovery that transformed him from a struggling scientist into a world-renowned researcher. His life changed completely in a short period.

Zaitsev was born in a region that belonged to Romania until 1940, after which it came under Soviet control. As a result, he was categorized as a “suspicious person” and faced discrimination from Soviet authorities and security services.

Zaitsev graduated from the Faculty of Biology at Odesa University. His academic advisor was Ivan Puzanov, who was also deemed unreliable by the regime due to his scientific views. This association deprived Zaitsev of the opportunity to write and publish a scientific monograph, teach, or become a professor. Instead, he worked at the Hydrobiological Station of Odesa University, where his scientific prospects seemed bleak.

While working at the station, Zaitsev became intrigued by a question that no one had studied before. At the time, it was believed that fish eggs developed into larvae and fry at depth since the surface water layer was thought to be nutrient-poor. However, Zaitsev concluded that fish eggs should remain at a depth of no more than five centimeters, suggesting that this layer had a rich food base.

In seeking to explain this paradox, Zaitsev discovered a developed system of invertebrate organisms in the sea’s surface layer. He published his first scientific paper on this topic in 1961. By 1964, he had earned a doctorate in biology. Later, he became the head of the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas in Odesa and even lectured in Japan. Zaitsev passed away in 2020, maintaining a sharp mind, enthusiasm for science, and vitality until the end of his life. The likelihood of sudden changes in destiny is also indicated by the square between Uranus and Jupiter.


In our view, Zaitsev was likely born around 6:30 PM on April 18, 1924, near the town of Sarata (now in Odesa Oblast, Ukraine).
According to our rectification, Zaitsev had a Libra Ascendant, with a strong Neptune in the 10th house forming an exact aspect to the Moon in the 12th house. Saturn conjunct the Ascendant points to the difficult circumstances of his early life. The likelihood of sudden changes in destiny is also indicated by the square between Uranus and Jupiter.


In this system, the following aspects were present at the time of Zaitsev’s breakthrough in 1961:

  • The Moon at 8°49’ Scorpio formed a trine to Pluto at 10°21’ Cancer (9th house). This aspect symbolizes significant changes in destiny.
  • Venus at 15°25’ Gemini formed an exact trine to the natal Moon at 15°46’ Libra. This aspect indicates opportunities for improving living conditions.
  • The Sun at 29°51’ Aries was on the verge of changing signs, also signaling major transformations.

The concurrence of these three powerful factors highlights the importance of the processes occurring at this stage of his life. For Zaitsev, this marked a scientific breakthrough. For someone else with a similar horoscope, it might indicate marriage, acquiring housing, or securing a well-paid job.

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